Discover Downtown Nassau’s Historic Churches Over Easter Weekend 2019
In many cultures, religion can serve as the cornerstone of society- responsible for building schools, community outreach programs, and influencing systems of government that shape the very core of a country. As places of worship, these churches are often also some of the beautiful representations of art and architecture that a country can offer. Not…
April 9, 2019
Greek Fest: One Of Nassau’s Most Anticipated Cultural Events
Kicking off Nassau’s annual festival calendar is the event that we’ve been waiting for with considerable anticipation for two years! That’s right, it’s Greek Fest time again and we advise you to bring along a healthy appetite for art, culture, dance, and (most importantly of all) traditional Greek food and drink. Greek-Bahamian History Credit: Greek Festival…
February 15, 2017
Exploring Downtown Nassau’s 10 Most Iconic Landmarks 2016
Sometimes, street signs just don’t cut it when you’re trying to find your bearings in an unfamiliar city- and as much as we all love Google Maps, even it has its limitations. Here in The Bahamas, the best way to journey through the islands is by landmark, and in Nassau, many of these iconic spots…
May 24, 2016
Unique Finds: A Bahamian Holiday Gift Guide 2015
We can’t believe that it’s December already! When it comes to holiday shopping, we’ll be the first ones to admit that finding authentically Bahamian gifts can be quite a challenge for Nassau visitors and locals alike. While the Nassau Straw Market was once the island’s trusted locale for Bahamian-made straw work and souvenirs, these days you’ll…
December 1, 2015